Jypeli 10
The simple game programming library
AdvanceMath.Vector2D tietuereferenssi

This is the Vector Class. Lisää...

Luokan AdvanceMath.Vector2D luokkakaavio
AdvanceMath.IVector< Vector2D >

Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 Vector2D (Scalar X, Scalar Y)
 Creates a New Vector2D Instance on the Stack. Lisää...
 Vector2D (Scalar[] vals)
 Vector2D (Scalar[] vals, int index)
void CopyFrom (Scalar[] array, int index)
void CopyTo (Scalar[] array, int index)
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Compares this Vector to another object. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class. Lisää...
bool Equals (Vector2D other)
override int GetHashCode ()
 Provides a unique hash code based on the member variables of this class. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class. The standard implementation is a simple XOR operation between all local member variables. Lisää...
Scalar[] ToArray ()
override string ToString ()
string ToString (string format)
 Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format. Lisää...
Vector3D ToVector3D (Scalar Z)

Staattiset julkiset jäsenfunktiot

static void Add (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Add (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Adds 2 Vectors2Ds. Lisää...
static void CatmullRom (ref Vector2D value1, ref Vector2D value2, ref Vector2D value3, ref Vector2D value4, Scalar amount, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D CatmullRom (Vector2D value1, Vector2D value2, Vector2D value3, Vector2D value4, Scalar amount)
static void Clamp (ref Vector2D value, ref Vector2D min, ref Vector2D max, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Clamp (Vector2D value, Vector2D min, Vector2D max)
 Binds a value to Lisää...
static void Copy (ref Vector2D vector, Scalar[] destArray)
static void Copy (ref Vector2D vector, Scalar[] destArray, int index)
static void Copy (ref Vector3D source, out Vector2D dest)
static void Copy (ref Vector4D source, out Vector2D dest)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, int index, out Vector2D result)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, out Vector2D result)
static void Distance (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Scalar result)
static Scalar Distance (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
static void DistanceSq (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Scalar result)
static Scalar DistanceSq (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
static void Dot (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Scalar result)
static Scalar Dot (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product. Lisää...
static bool Equals (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right)
static bool Equals (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
static void FromLengthAndAngle (ref Scalar length, ref Scalar radianAngle, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D FromLengthAndAngle (Scalar length, Scalar radianAngle)
 Creates a Vector2D With the given length (Magnitude) and the given Angle. Lisää...
static void GetAngle (ref Vector2D source, out Scalar result)
static Scalar GetAngle (Vector2D source)
 Determines the current Angle in radians of the Vector2D and Returns it. Lisää...
static void GetLeftHandNormal (ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D GetLeftHandNormal (Vector2D source)
 Gets a Vector2D that is perpendicular(orthogonal) to the passed Vector2D while staying on the XY Plane. Lisää...
static void GetMagnitude (ref Vector2D source, out Scalar result)
static Scalar GetMagnitude (Vector2D source)
 Gets the Magnitude of the Vector2D that is passed. Lisää...
static void GetMagnitudeSq (ref Vector2D source, out Scalar result)
static Scalar GetMagnitudeSq (Vector2D source)
 Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector2D that is passed. Lisää...
static void GetRightHandNormal (ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D GetRightHandNormal (Vector2D source)
 Gets a Vector2D that is perpendicular(orthogonal) to the passed Vector2D while staying on the XY Plane. Lisää...
static void Hermite (ref Vector2D value1, ref Vector2D tangent1, ref Vector2D value2, ref Vector2D tangent2, Scalar amount, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Hermite (Vector2D value1, Vector2D tangent1, Vector2D value2, Vector2D tangent2, Scalar amount)
static void Lerp (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, ref Scalar amount, out Vector2D result)
static void Lerp (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, ref Vector2D amount, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Lerp (Vector2D left, Vector2D right, Scalar amount)
static Vector2D Lerp (Vector2D left, Vector2D right, Vector2D amount)
static void Max (ref Vector2D value1, ref Vector2D value2, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Max (Vector2D value1, Vector2D value2)
static void Min (ref Vector2D value1, ref Vector2D value2, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Min (Vector2D value1, Vector2D value2)
static void Multiply (ref Scalar scalar, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static void Multiply (ref Vector2D source, ref Scalar scalar, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Multiply (Scalar scalar, Vector2D source)
static Vector2D Multiply (Vector2D source, Scalar scalar)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D. Lisää...
static void Negate (ref Vector2D source)
static void Negate (ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Negate (Vector2D source)
 Negates a Vector2D. Lisää...
static void Normalize (ref Vector2D source)
static void Normalize (ref Vector2D source, out Scalar magnitude, out Vector2D result)
static void Normalize (ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Normalize (Vector2D source)
 This returns the Normalized Vector2D that is passed. This is also known as a Unit Vector. Lisää...
static Vector2D Normalize (Vector2D source, out Scalar magnitude)
 This returns the Normalized Vector2D that is passed. This is also known as a Unit Vector. Lisää...
static operator Vector2D (Vector3D source)
static bool operator!= (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Specifies whether the Vector2Ds do not contain the same coordinates. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator* (Matrix2x2 matrix, Vector2D source)
static Vector2D operator* (Matrix2x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
static Vector2D operator* (Matrix3x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
static Vector2D operator* (Scalar scalar, Vector2D source)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D. Lisää...
static Scalar operator* (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator* (Vector2D source, Scalar scalar)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator+ (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Adds 2 Vectors2Ds. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator- (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Subtracts 2 Vector2Ds. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator- (Vector2D source)
 Negates a Vector2D. Lisää...
static bool operator== (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Specifies whether the Vector2Ds contain the same coordinates. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator^ (Scalar leftZ, Vector2D right)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...
static Vector2D operator^ (Vector2D left, Scalar rightZ)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...
static Scalar operator^ (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...
static Vector2D Parse (string s)
static void Project (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Project (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Thie Projects the left Vector2D onto the Right Vector2D. Lisää...
static void Rotate (ref Scalar radianAngle, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Rotate (Scalar radianAngle, Vector2D source)
 Rotates a Vector2D. Lisää...
static void SetAngle (ref Vector2D source, ref Scalar radianAngle, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D SetAngle (Vector2D source, Scalar radianAngle)
 Sets the Angle of a Vector2D without changing the Magnitude. Lisää...
static void SetMagnitude (ref Vector2D source, ref Scalar magnitude, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D SetMagnitude (Vector2D source, Scalar magnitude)
 Sets the Magnitude of a Vector2D without changing the Angle. Lisää...
static void Subtract (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D Subtract (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Subtracts 2 Vector2Ds. Lisää...
static Vector2D Transform (Matrix2x2 matrix, Vector2D source)
 Uses a matrix multiplication to Transform the vector. Lisää...
static Vector2D Transform (Matrix2x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
 Uses a matrix multiplication to Transform the vector. Lisää...
static Vector2D Transform (Matrix3x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
 Uses a matrix multiplication to Transform the vector. Lisää...
static void Transform (ref Matrix2x2 matrix, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static void Transform (ref Matrix2x3 matrix, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static void Transform (ref Matrix3x3 matrix, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static Vector2D TransformNormal (Matrix2x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
static Vector2D TransformNormal (Matrix3x3 matrix, Vector2D source)
static void TransformNormal (ref Matrix2x3 matrix, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static void TransformNormal (ref Matrix3x3 matrix, ref Vector2D source, out Vector2D result)
static bool TryParse (string s, out Vector2D result)
static void ZCross (ref Scalar leftZ, ref Vector2D right, out Vector2D result)
static void ZCross (ref Vector2D left, ref Scalar rightZ, out Vector2D result)
static void ZCross (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector2D right, out Scalar result)
static Vector2D ZCross (Scalar leftZ, Vector2D right)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...
static Vector2D ZCross (Vector2D left, Scalar rightZ)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...
static Scalar ZCross (Vector2D left, Vector2D right)
 Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product. Lisää...

Julkiset attribuutit

Scalar X
 This is the X value. (Usually represents a horizontal position or direction.) Lisää...
Scalar Y
 This is the Y value. (Usually represents a vertical position or direction.) Lisää...

Staattiset julkiset attribuutit

const int Count = 2
 The number of Scalar values in the class. Lisää...
static readonly Vector2D One = new Vector2D(1,1)
 Vector2D(1,1) Lisää...
const int Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count
 The Size of the class in bytes; Lisää...
static readonly Vector2D XAxis = new Vector2D(1, 0)
 Vector2D(1,0) Lisää...
static readonly Vector2D XYAxis = new Vector2D((Scalar)0.7071067811865475244008443621052, (Scalar)0.7071067811865475244008443621052)
 Vector2D(0.707...,0.707...) Lisää...
static readonly Vector2D YAxis = new Vector2D(0, 1)
 Vector2D(0,1) Lisää...
static readonly Vector2D Zero = new Vector2D()
 Vector2D(0,0) Lisää...


Scalar Angle [getset]
 Gets or Sets the Angle in radians of the Vector2D. Lisää...
int IAdvanceValueType. Count [get]
 The Number of Variables accesable though the indexer. Lisää...
Vector2D LeftHandNormal [get]
 Gets A perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Left Hand Rule. Lisää...
Scalar Magnitude [getset]
 Gets or Sets the Magnitude (Length) of the Vector2D. Lisää...
Scalar MagnitudeSq [get]
 Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector2D. Lisää...
Vector2D Normalized [get]
 Gets the Normalized Vector2D. (Unit Vector) Lisää...
Vector2D RightHandNormal [get]
 Gets A perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Right Hand Rule. Lisää...
- Ominaisuudet inherited from AdvanceMath.IVector< Vector2D >
Scalar Magnitude [getset]
 Gets or Sets the Magnitude (Length of a Vector). Lisää...
Scalar MagnitudeSq [get]
 Gets the Squared Magnitude (IE Magnitude*Magnitude). Lisää...
Normalized [get]
 Gets the Normalized Vector. (Unit Vector) Lisää...

Yksityiset jäsenfunktiot

string ToStringInternal (string FormatString)

Staattiset yksityiset attribuutit

static readonly string FormatableString = MatrixHelper.CreateVectorFormatableString(Count)
static readonly string FormatString = MatrixHelper.CreateVectorFormatString(Count)

Yksityiskohtainen selite

This is the Vector Class.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 49.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

◆ Vector2D() [1/3]

AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Vector2D ( Scalar  X,
Scalar  Y 

Creates a New Vector2D Instance on the Stack.

XThe X value.
YThe Y value.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 814.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Vector2D() [2/3]

AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Vector2D ( Scalar[]  vals)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 819.

◆ Vector2D() [3/3]

AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Vector2D ( Scalar[]  vals,
int  index 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 820.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy().

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

◆ Add() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Add ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 294.

◆ Add() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Add ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Sum of the 2 Vector2Ds.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 287.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.CalculateNormals(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetIntersection() ja AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.Intersects().

◆ CatmullRom() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CatmullRom ( ref Vector2D  value1,
ref Vector2D  value2,
ref Vector2D  value3,
ref Vector2D  value4,
Scalar  amount,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 746.

◆ CatmullRom() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CatmullRom ( Vector2D  value1,
Vector2D  value2,
Vector2D  value3,
Vector2D  value4,
Scalar  amount 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 740.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CatmullRom().

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CatmullRom().

◆ Clamp() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Clamp ( ref Vector2D  value,
ref Vector2D  min,
ref Vector2D  max,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 135.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Clamp().

◆ Clamp() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Clamp ( Vector2D  value,
Vector2D  min,
Vector2D  max 

Binds a value to


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 128.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Clamp(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Intersects().

◆ Copy() [1/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( ref Vector2D  vector,
Scalar[]  destArray 

◆ Copy() [2/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( ref Vector2D  vector,
Scalar[]  destArray,
int  index 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 92.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.ThrowHelper.CheckCopy() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Count.

◆ Copy() [3/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( ref Vector3D  source,
out Vector2D  dest 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 115.

◆ Copy() [4/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( ref Vector4D  source,
out Vector2D  dest 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 110.

◆ Copy() [5/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( Scalar[]  sourceArray,
int  index,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 103.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.ThrowHelper.CheckCopy() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Count.

◆ Copy() [6/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy ( Scalar[]  sourceArray,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 99.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy().

◆ CopyFrom()

void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CopyFrom ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 954.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy().

◆ CopyTo()

void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.CopyTo ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 958.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy().

Viitattu Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.Subdivide().

◆ Distance() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Distance ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 171.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sqrt().

◆ Distance() [2/2]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Distance ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

◆ DistanceSq() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.DistanceSq ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 185.

◆ DistanceSq() [2/2]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.DistanceSq ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

◆ Dot() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Dot ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 449.

◆ Dot() [2/2]

◆ Equals() [1/4]

override bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals ( object  obj)

Compares this Vector to another object. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class.


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1259.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals().

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Line.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.Equals() ja AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Ray.Equals().

◆ Equals() [2/4]

static bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1273.

◆ Equals() [3/4]

static bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1267.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Equals() [4/4]

bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals ( Vector2D  other)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1263.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals().

◆ FromLengthAndAngle() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle ( ref Scalar  length,
ref Scalar  radianAngle,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 213.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Cos() ja AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sin().

◆ FromLengthAndAngle() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle ( Scalar  length,
Scalar  radianAngle 

Creates a Vector2D With the given length (Magnitude) and the given Angle.

lengthThe length (Magnitude) of the Vector2D to be created
radianAngleThe angle of the from the (XAxis) in Radians
a Vector2D With the given length and angle.
static Vector2D FromLengthAndAngle(Scalar length, Scalar radianAngle)
Creates a Vector2D With the given length (Magnitude) and the given Angle.
Definition: Vector2D.cs:206

would create a Vector2D equil to

new Vector2D(0,1)
Vector2D(Scalar X, Scalar Y)
Creates a New Vector2D Instance on the Stack.
Definition: Vector2D.cs:814

. And

would create a Vector2D equil to

new Vector2D(1,0)


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 206.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Cos(), AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sin(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.CreateCircle().

◆ GetAngle() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetAngle ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 275.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Atan2() ja AdvanceMath.MathHelper.TwoPi.

◆ GetAngle() [2/2]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetAngle ( Vector2D  source)

Determines the current Angle in radians of the Vector2D and Returns it.

sourceThe Vector2D of whos angle is to be Determined.
The Angle in radians of the Vector2D.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 269.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Atan2(), AdvanceMath.MathHelper.TwoPi, AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetHashCode ( )

Provides a unique hash code based on the member variables of this class. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class. The standard implementation is a simple XOR operation between all local member variables.


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1249.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.GetHashCode(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.GetHashCode(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Line.GetHashCode(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.GetHashCode() ja AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Ray.GetHashCode().

◆ GetLeftHandNormal() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetLeftHandNormal ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 719.

◆ GetLeftHandNormal() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetLeftHandNormal ( Vector2D  source)

Gets a Vector2D that is perpendicular(orthogonal) to the passed Vector2D while staying on the XY Plane.

sourceThe Vector2D whose perpendicular(orthogonal) is to be determined.
An perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Left Hand Rule (opposite of the Right hand Rule)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 712.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ GetMagnitude() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 563.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sqrt().

◆ GetMagnitude() [2/2]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude ( Vector2D  source)

Gets the Magnitude of the Vector2D that is passed.

sourceThe Vector2D whos Magnitude is te be returned.
The Magnitude.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 559.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sqrt(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Contains(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetAngle().

◆ GetMagnitudeSq() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitudeSq ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 550.

◆ GetMagnitudeSq() [2/2]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitudeSq ( Vector2D  source)

Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector2D that is passed.

sourceThe Vector2D whos Squared Magnitude is te be returned.
The Squared Magnitude.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 546.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project().

◆ GetRightHandNormal() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetRightHandNormal ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 700.

◆ GetRightHandNormal() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetRightHandNormal ( Vector2D  source)

Gets a Vector2D that is perpendicular(orthogonal) to the passed Vector2D while staying on the XY Plane.

sourceThe Vector2D whose perpendicular(orthogonal) is to be determined.
An perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Right Hand Rule

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 693.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.CalculateNormals() ja AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.Intersects().

◆ Hermite() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Hermite ( ref Vector2D  value1,
ref Vector2D  tangent1,
ref Vector2D  value2,
ref Vector2D  tangent2,
Scalar  amount,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 732.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.HermiteHelper().

◆ Hermite() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Hermite ( Vector2D  value1,
Vector2D  tangent1,
Vector2D  value2,
Vector2D  tangent2,
Scalar  amount 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 726.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Hermite().

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Hermite().

◆ Lerp() [1/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Lerp ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
ref Scalar  amount,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 147.

◆ Lerp() [2/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Lerp ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
ref Vector2D  amount,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 158.

◆ Lerp() [3/4]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Lerp ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right,
Scalar  amount 

◆ Lerp() [4/4]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Lerp ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right,
Vector2D  amount 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 152.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Lerp().

◆ Max() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Max ( ref Vector2D  value1,
ref Vector2D  value2,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 768.

◆ Max() [2/2]

◆ Min() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Min ( ref Vector2D  value1,
ref Vector2D  value2,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 780.

◆ Min() [2/2]

◆ Multiply() [1/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply ( ref Scalar  scalar,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 433.

◆ Multiply() [2/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply ( ref Vector2D  source,
ref Scalar  scalar,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 420.

◆ Multiply() [3/4]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply ( Scalar  scalar,
Vector2D  source 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 426.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Multiply() [4/4]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply ( Vector2D  source,
Scalar  scalar 

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D.

scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector2D.
sourceThe Vector2D to be multiplied.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 413.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.Intersects(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.Subdivide() ja AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Line.Transform().

◆ Negate() [1/3]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate ( ref Vector2D  source)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 600.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate().

◆ Negate() [2/3]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 604.

◆ Negate() [3/3]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate ( Vector2D  source)

Negates a Vector2D.

sourceThe Vector2D to be Negated.
The Negated Vector2D.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 593.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate().

◆ Normalize() [1/5]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize ( ref Vector2D  source)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 635.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize().

◆ Normalize() [2/5]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Scalar  magnitude,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 652.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Zero.

◆ Normalize() [3/5]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize ( ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

◆ Normalize() [4/5]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize ( Vector2D  source)

◆ Normalize() [5/5]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize ( Vector2D  source,
out Scalar  magnitude 

This returns the Normalized Vector2D that is passed. This is also known as a Unit Vector.

sourceThe Vector2D to be Normalized.
magnitudethe magitude of the Vector2D passed
The Normalized Vector2D. (Unit Vector)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 646.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize().

◆ operator Vector2D()

static AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator Vector2D ( Vector3D  source)

◆ operator!=()

static bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator!= ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Specifies whether the Vector2Ds do not contain the same coordinates.

leftThe left Vector2D to test.
rightThe right Vector2D to test.
true if the Vector2Ds do not have the same coordinates; otherwise false

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1161.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator*() [1/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator* ( Matrix2x2  matrix,
Vector2D  source 

◆ operator*() [2/6]

◆ operator*() [3/6]

◆ operator*() [4/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator* ( Scalar  scalar,
Vector2D  source 

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D.

scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector2D.
sourceThe Vector2D to be multiplied.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1021.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator*() [5/6]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator* ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Dot Product (Inner Product).

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1035.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator*() [6/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator* ( Vector2D  source,
Scalar  scalar 

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector2D.

sourceThe Vector2D to be multiplied.
scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector2D.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1007.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator+()

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator+ ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Sum of the 2 Vector2Ds.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 979.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator- ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Subtracts 2 Vector2Ds.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Difference of the 2 Vector2Ds.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 993.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator- ( Vector2D  source)

Negates a Vector2D.

sourceThe Vector2D to be Negated.
The Negated Vector2D.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1066.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator==()

static bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator== ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Specifies whether the Vector2Ds contain the same coordinates.

leftThe left Vector2D to test.
rightThe right Vector2D to test.
true if the Vector2Ds have the same coordinates; otherwise false

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1151.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator^() [1/3]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator^ ( Scalar  leftZ,
Vector2D  right 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftZThe Z value of the left vector operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Vector2D that fully represents the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1113.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator^() [2/3]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator^ ( Vector2D  left,
Scalar  rightZ 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightZThe Z value of the right vector operand.
The Vector2D that fully represents the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1138.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ operator^() [3/3]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator^ ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Z value of the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1091.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Parse()

◆ Project() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Vector2D  result 

◆ Project() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Thie Projects the left Vector2D onto the Right Vector2D.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Projected Vector2D.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 673.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project().

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Project().

◆ Rotate() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Rotate ( ref Scalar  radianAngle,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 234.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Cos() ja AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sin().

◆ Rotate() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Rotate ( Scalar  radianAngle,
Vector2D  source 

Rotates a Vector2D.

radianAngleThe Angle in radians of the amount it is to be rotated.
sourceThe Vector2D to be Rotated.
The Rotated Vector2D

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 224.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Cos(), AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sin(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ SetAngle() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetAngle ( ref Vector2D  source,
ref Scalar  radianAngle,
out Vector2D  result 

◆ SetAngle() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetAngle ( Vector2D  source,
Scalar  radianAngle 

Sets the Angle of a Vector2D without changing the Magnitude.

sourceThe Vector2D to have its Angle set.
radianAngleThe angle of the from the (XAxis) in Radians
A Vector2D with a new Angle.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 248.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Cos(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude(), AdvanceMath.MathHelper.Sin(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ SetMagnitude() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetMagnitude ( ref Vector2D  source,
ref Scalar  magnitude,
out Vector2D  result 

◆ SetMagnitude() [2/2]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetMagnitude ( Vector2D  source,
Scalar  magnitude 

Sets the Magnitude of a Vector2D without changing the Angle.

sourceThe Vector2D whose Magnitude is to be changed.
magnitudeThe Magnitude.
A Vector2D with the new Magnitude

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 573.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetMagnitude().

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetMagnitude().

◆ Subtract() [1/2]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Subtract ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 313.

◆ Subtract() [2/2]

◆ ToArray()

Scalar[] AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToArray ( )

◆ ToString() [1/2]

override string AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToString ( )

◆ ToString() [2/2]

string AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToString ( string  format)

Converts the numeric value of this instance to its equivalent string representation, using the specified format.

formatthe format for each scaler in this Vector

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 1187.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FormatableString ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToStringInternal().

◆ ToStringInternal()

string AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToStringInternal ( string  FormatString)

◆ ToVector3D()

Vector3D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToVector3D ( Scalar  Z)

◆ Transform() [1/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( Matrix2x2  matrix,
Vector2D  source 

Uses a matrix multiplication to Transform the vector.

matrixThe rotation matrix
sourceThe Vector to be transformed
The transformed vector.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 393.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.m00, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.m01, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.m10, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.m11, AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Transform() [2/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( Matrix2x3  matrix,
Vector2D  source 

Uses a matrix multiplication to Transform the vector.

matrixThe Transformation matrix
sourceThe Vector to be transformed
The transformed vector.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 360.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m00, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m01, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m02, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m10, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m11, AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.m12, AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ Transform() [3/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( Matrix3x3  matrix,
Vector2D  source 

◆ Transform() [4/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( ref Matrix2x2  matrix,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 400.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X.

◆ Transform() [5/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( ref Matrix2x3  matrix,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 367.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X.

◆ Transform() [6/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform ( ref Matrix3x3  matrix,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 333.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X.

◆ TransformNormal() [1/4]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TransformNormal ( Matrix2x3  matrix,
Vector2D  source 

◆ TransformNormal() [2/4]

◆ TransformNormal() [3/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TransformNormal ( ref Matrix2x3  matrix,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 380.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X.

◆ TransformNormal() [4/4]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TransformNormal ( ref Matrix3x3  matrix,
ref Vector2D  source,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 347.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X.

◆ TryParse()

static bool AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TryParse ( string  s,
out Vector2D  result 

◆ ZCross() [1/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( ref Scalar  leftZ,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 504.

◆ ZCross() [2/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Scalar  rightZ,
out Vector2D  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 535.

◆ ZCross() [3/6]

static void AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( ref Vector2D  left,
ref Vector2D  right,
out Scalar  result 

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 475.

◆ ZCross() [4/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( Scalar  leftZ,
Vector2D  right 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftZThe Z value of the left vector operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Vector2D that fully represents the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 497.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ ZCross() [5/6]

static Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( Vector2D  left,
Scalar  rightZ 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightZThe Z value of the right vector operand.
The Vector2D that fully represents the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 528.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

◆ ZCross() [6/6]

static Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross ( Vector2D  left,
Vector2D  right 

Does a "2D" Cross Product also know as an Outer Product.

leftThe left Vector2D operand.
rightThe right Vector2D operand.
The Z value of the resulting vector.

This 2D Cross Product is using a cheat. Since the Cross product (in 3D space) always generates a vector perpendicular (orthogonal) to the 2 vectors used as arguments. The cheat is that the only vector that can be perpendicular to two vectors in the XY Plane will parallel to the Z Axis. Since any vector that is parallel to the Z Axis will have zeros in both the X and Y Fields I can represent the cross product of 2 vectors in the XY plane as single scalar: Z. Also the Cross Product of and Vector on the XY plan and that of one ont on the Z Axis will result in a vector on the XY Plane. So the ZCross Methods were well thought out and can be trusted.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 471.

Viittaukset AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.GetArea(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.GetCentroid(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetCentroidOfRange(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.GetInertia(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetInertiaOfRange(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfo(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfoOfRange(), AdvanceMath.MathHelper.PointInTri2D() ja Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.Reduce().

Jäsendatan dokumentaatio

◆ Count

const int AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Count = 2

The number of Scalar values in the class.

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 55.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Copy(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Parse(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToArray() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TryParse().

◆ FormatableString

readonly string AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FormatableString = MatrixHelper.CreateVectorFormatableString(Count)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 85.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToString().

◆ FormatString

readonly string AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FormatString = MatrixHelper.CreateVectorFormatString(Count)

◆ One

readonly Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.One = new Vector2D(1,1)


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 65.

◆ Size

const int AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count

The Size of the class in bytes;

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 59.

◆ X

Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.X

This is the X value. (Usually represents a horizontal position or direction.)

Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 796.

Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.BoundingCircle(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.BoundingRectangle(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Line.Line(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.Matrix2x2(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Vector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Add(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Clamp(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Contains(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Contains(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.ContainsExclusive(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.ContainsInclusive(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Corners(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Distance(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.DistanceSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Dot(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromShear3D(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.FromTranslate2D(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromTranslate2D(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.FromVectors(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetAngle(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetCentroidOfRange(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.GetDistanceSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetHashCode(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetLeftHandNormal(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitudeSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetRightHandNormal(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfo(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfoOfRange(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Intersects(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize(), Jypeli.Vector.operator Vector(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator Vector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector3D.operator Vector3D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator!=(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator*(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator+(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator-(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator==(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator^(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Parse(), AdvanceMath.IO.MathReader.ReadVector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Rotate(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetAngle(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetMagnitude(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Subtract(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToStringInternal(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToVector3D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TransformNormal(), AdvanceMath.IO.MathWriter.Write() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross().

◆ XAxis

readonly Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.XAxis = new Vector2D(1, 0)


Määrittely tiedoston Vector2D.cs rivillä 73.

◆ XYAxis

readonly Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.XYAxis = new Vector2D((Scalar)0.7071067811865475244008443621052, (Scalar)0.7071067811865475244008443621052)


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◆ Y

Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Y

This is the Y value. (Usually represents a vertical position or direction.)

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Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.BoundingCircle(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.BoundingRectangle(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.Line.Line(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.Matrix2x2(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Vector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Add(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Clamp(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Contains(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Contains(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.ContainsExclusive(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.ContainsInclusive(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Corners(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Distance(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.DistanceSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Dot(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Equals(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.FromLengthAndAngle(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x2.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromScale(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromShear3D(), AdvanceMath.Matrix2x3.FromTranslate2D(), AdvanceMath.Matrix3x3.FromTranslate2D(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.FromVectors(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetAngle(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetCentroidOfRange(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingPolygon.GetDistance(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.LineSegment.GetDistanceSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetHashCode(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetLeftHandNormal(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitude(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetMagnitudeSq(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.GetRightHandNormal(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfo(), Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetVertexInfoOfRange(), AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingRectangle.Intersects(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Multiply(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Negate(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalize(), Jypeli.Vector.operator Vector(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator Vector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector3D.operator Vector3D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator!=(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator*(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator+(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator-(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator==(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.operator^(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Parse(), AdvanceMath.IO.MathReader.ReadVector2D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Rotate(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.SetAngle(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Subtract(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToStringInternal(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ToVector3D(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Transform(), AdvanceMath.Vector2D.TransformNormal(), AdvanceMath.IO.MathWriter.Write() ja AdvanceMath.Vector2D.ZCross().

◆ YAxis

readonly Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.YAxis = new Vector2D(0, 1)


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◆ Zero

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

◆ Angle

Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Angle

Gets or Sets the Angle in radians of the Vector2D.

If the Magnitude of the Vector is 1 then The Angles {0,Math.PI/2,Math.PI/2,3*Math.PI/2} would have the vectors {(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)} respectively.

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◆ Count

int IAdvanceValueType. AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Count

The Number of Variables accesable though the indexer.

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◆ LeftHandNormal

Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.LeftHandNormal

Gets A perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Left Hand Rule.

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◆ Magnitude

Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Magnitude

Gets or Sets the Magnitude (Length) of the Vector2D.

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Viitattu Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.GetIntersection() ja Jypeli.Physics2d.VertexHelper.Subdivide().

◆ MagnitudeSq

Scalar AdvanceMath.Vector2D.MagnitudeSq

Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector2D.

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Viitattu AdvanceMath.Geometry2D.BoundingCircle.Intersects().

◆ Normalized

Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.Normalized

Gets the Normalized Vector2D. (Unit Vector)

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◆ RightHandNormal

Vector2D AdvanceMath.Vector2D.RightHandNormal

Gets A perpendicular(orthogonal) Vector2D using the Right Hand Rule.

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