Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
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Body luokkareferenssi

This is the Physical Body that collides in the engine. Lisää...

Luokan Body luokkakaavio
IPhysicsEntity IDuplicateable< T > IPendable

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 Body (PhysicsState state, IShape shape, Scalar mass, Coefficients coefficients, Lifespan lifetime)
 Creates a new Body Instance.
 Body (PhysicsState state, IShape shape, MassInfo massInfo, Coefficients coefficients, Lifespan lifetime)
 Creates a new Body Instance.
void ApplyProxy ()
 This applys the proxy. This will cause all other bodies in the proxy list to have their velocity set to this body’s. With the appropriate transformations applied.
void UpdatePosition (TimeStep step)
void UpdatePosition (TimeStep step, ALVector2D extraVelocity)
void UpdatePosition (TimeStep step, ref ALVector2D extraVelocity)
void UpdateVelocity (TimeStep step)
void ApplyPosition ()
 Updates all the values caluclated from the State.Position. Re-calculates the Matrices property the re-calculates the Rectangle property from that.
void ClearForces ()
 Sets Acceleration and ForceAccumulator to Zero.
void ApplyForce (Vector2D force)
 Applys a Force.
void ApplyForce (ref Vector2D force)
 Applys a Force.
void ApplyForce (Vector2D force, Vector2D position)
 Applys a Force.
void ApplyForce (ref Vector2D force, ref Vector2D position)
 Applys a Force.
void ApplyTorque (Scalar torque)
 Applys Torque.
void ApplyImpulse (Vector2D impulse)
 Applys Impulse.
void ApplyImpulse (ref Vector2D impulse)
 Applys Impulse.
void ApplyImpulse (Vector2D impulse, Vector2D position)
 Applys Impulse.
void ApplyImpulse (ref Vector2D impulse, ref Vector2D position)
 Applys Impulse.
Body Duplicate ()
object Clone ()

Staattiset julkiset jäsenfunktiot

static bool CanCollide (Body body1, Body body2)


Dictionary< string, object > Tags [get]
bool IsFrozen [get, set]
BoundingRectangle Rectangle [get]
 This is the Baunding rectangle It is calculated on the call to apply matrix.
Matrices Matrices [get]
 The Matrices that are tranfroming this bodies Shape.
Scalar LinearDamping [get, set]
 Gets and Sets The value represents how much Linear velocity is kept each time step. This Dampens the Body's Linear velocity a little per time step. Valid values are zero exclusive to one inclusive.
Scalar AngularDamping [get, set]
 Gets and Sets The value represents how much Angular velocity is kept each time step. This Dampens the Body's Angular velocity a little per time step. Valid values are zero exclusive to one inclusive.
IEnumerable< BodyProxyProxies [get]
 These are bodies that are mirrors of this body. It's useful for bodies that are being teleported.
int ProxiesCount [get]
 The number of proxies that this body has.
int ID [get, set]
 Unique ID of a PhysicsEntity in the PhysicsEngine Assigned on being Added.
PhysicsEngine Engine [get]
 Gets The PhysicsEngine the object is currently in. Null if it is in none.
PhysicsState State [get]
 Gets The current State of the object IE Velocity.
IShape Shape [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Shape of the Body. If setting the shape to a shape another body has it will duplicate the shape.
MassInfo Mass [get, set]
 Gets The MassInfo of the body.
Ignorer CollisionIgnorer [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Ignore object that decides what collisons to ignore.
Ignorer EventIgnorer [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Ignore object that decides what collison events to ignore.
Coefficients Coefficients [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Coefficients for the class.
Lifespan Lifetime [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the LifeTime of the object. The object will be removed from the engine when it is Expired.
object Tag [get, set]
 Gets and Sets a User defined object.
object SolverTag [get, set]
 Gets a Solver Defined object.
object DetectorTag [get, set]
 Gets a Detector Defined object.
ReadOnlyCollection< JointJoints [get]
 Gets the Joints attached to this body.
bool IgnoresGravity [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if the Body will ignore Gravity.
bool IgnoresPhysicsLogics [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if the Body will Ignore all Physics Logics.
bool IgnoresCollisionResponse [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if the Object will ignore the collison Responce but still generate the Collision event.
bool IgnoreVertexes [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if this body's shape's Vertexes will be used in collision detection.
bool IsPending [get]
 Gets if it has been added the the Engine's PendingQueue, but not yet added to the engine.
bool IsAdded [get]
 Gets if the object has been added to the engine.
bool IsCollidable [get, set]
 gets and sets if the body will have any collision detection ran on it.
bool IsEventable [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if other objects will have their collided event raised when colliding with this body.
bool IsBroadPhaseOnly [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if the Body will trigger the Collided event at the broadphase level.
Scalar KineticEnergy [get]
 Gets the Total Kinetic Energy of the Body.
Matrix2x3 Transformation [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Matrix2x3 that transforms the Shape belonging to the Body.
bool IsTransformed [get]


EventHandler LifetimeChanged
 Raised when the Lifetime property has been Changed.
EventHandler ShapeChanged
 Raised when the Shape of the Body has been Changed.
EventHandler Pending
 Raised when the object is Added to the engine but is not yet part of the update process.
EventHandler Added
 Raised when the object is added to a Physics Engine.
EventHandler< RemovedEventArgsRemoved
 Raised when the object is Removed from a Physics Engine.
EventHandler PositionChanged
 Raised when the Position has been Changed. Raised by either the Solver or a call to ApplyMatrix.
EventHandler< UpdatedEventArgsUpdated
 Raised when the Body has been updated to a change in time.
EventHandler< CollisionEventArgsCollided
 Raised when the Body collides with another.
EventHandler< CollisionEventArgsColliding
 Raised constantly when the Body is colliding with another.
EventHandler< BodyJointEventArgsJointAdded
 Raised when a joint is added that affects this body.
EventHandler< BodyJointEventArgsJointRemoved
 Raised when a joint is removed that affects this body.

Yksityiskohtainen selite

This is the Physical Body that collides in the engine.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

Body ( PhysicsState  state,
IShape  shape,
Scalar  mass,
Coefficients  coefficients,
Lifespan  lifetime 
) [inline]

Creates a new Body Instance.

stateThe State of the Body.
shapeThe Shape of the Body.
massThe mass of the Body The inertia will be aquired from the Shape.
coefficientsA object containing coefficients.
lifeTimeA object Describing how long the object will be in the engine.
Body ( PhysicsState  state,
IShape  shape,
MassInfo  massInfo,
Coefficients  coefficients,
Lifespan  lifetime 
) [inline]

Creates a new Body Instance.

stateThe State of the Body.
shapeThe Shape of the Body.
massInfoA object describing the mass and inertia of the Body.
coefficientsA object containing coefficients.
lifeTimeA object Describing how long the object will be in the engine.

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

void ApplyForce ( Vector2D  force) [inline]

Applys a Force.

forceThe direction and magnitude of the force
void ApplyForce ( ref Vector2D  force) [inline]

Applys a Force.

forceThe direction and magnitude of the force
void ApplyForce ( Vector2D  force,
Vector2D  position 
) [inline]

Applys a Force.

forceThe direction and magnitude of the force
positionThe Location where the force will be applied (Offset: Body Rotation: World)
void ApplyForce ( ref Vector2D  force,
ref Vector2D  position 
) [inline]

Applys a Force.

forceThe direction and magnitude of the force
positionThe Location where the force will be applied (Offset: Body Rotation: World)
void ApplyImpulse ( Vector2D  impulse,
Vector2D  position 
) [inline]

Applys Impulse.

impulseThe direction and magnitude of the impulse.
positionThe Location where the impulse will be applied (Offset: Body Rotation: World)
void ApplyImpulse ( ref Vector2D  impulse,
ref Vector2D  position 
) [inline]

Applys Impulse.

impulseThe direction and magnitude of the impulse.
positionThe Location where the impulse will be applied (Offset: Body Rotation: World)
void ApplyImpulse ( Vector2D  impulse) [inline]

Applys Impulse.

impulseThe direction and magnitude of the impulse
void ApplyImpulse ( ref Vector2D  impulse) [inline]

Applys Impulse.

impulseThe direction and magnitude of the impulse.
void ApplyPosition ( ) [inline]

Updates all the values caluclated from the State.Position. Re-calculates the Matrices property the re-calculates the Rectangle property from that.

void ApplyProxy ( ) [inline]

This applys the proxy. This will cause all other bodies in the proxy list to have their velocity set to this body’s. With the appropriate transformations applied.

void ApplyTorque ( Scalar  torque) [inline]

Applys Torque.

torqueThe direction and magnitude of the torque
void ClearForces ( ) [inline]

Sets Acceleration and ForceAccumulator to Zero.

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

Scalar AngularDamping [get, set]

Gets and Sets The value represents how much Angular velocity is kept each time step. This Dampens the Body's Angular velocity a little per time step. Valid values are zero exclusive to one inclusive.

Gets and Sets the Coefficients for the class.

Ignorer CollisionIgnorer [get, set]

Gets and Sets the Ignore object that decides what collisons to ignore.

object DetectorTag [get, set]

Gets a Detector Defined object.

PhysicsEngine Engine [get]

Gets The PhysicsEngine the object is currently in. Null if it is in none.

Toteuttaa luokan IPhysicsEntity.

Ignorer EventIgnorer [get, set]

Gets and Sets the Ignore object that decides what collison events to ignore.

int ID [get, set]

Unique ID of a PhysicsEntity in the PhysicsEngine Assigned on being Added.

bool IgnoresCollisionResponse [get, set]

Gets and Sets if the Object will ignore the collison Responce but still generate the Collision event.

bool IgnoresGravity [get, set]

Gets and Sets if the Body will ignore Gravity.

bool IgnoresPhysicsLogics [get, set]

Gets and Sets if the Body will Ignore all Physics Logics.

bool IgnoreVertexes [get, set]

Gets and Sets if this body's shape's Vertexes will be used in collision detection.

bool IsAdded [get]

Gets if the object has been added to the engine.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

bool IsBroadPhaseOnly [get, set]

Gets and Sets if the Body will trigger the Collided event at the broadphase level.

bool IsCollidable [get, set]

gets and sets if the body will have any collision detection ran on it.

bool IsEventable [get, set]

Gets and Sets if other objects will have their collided event raised when colliding with this body.

bool IsPending [get]

Gets if it has been added the the Engine's PendingQueue, but not yet added to the engine.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

ReadOnlyCollection<Joint> Joints [get]

Gets the Joints attached to this body.

Scalar KineticEnergy [get]

Gets the Total Kinetic Energy of the Body.

Lifespan Lifetime [get, set]

Gets and Sets the LifeTime of the object. The object will be removed from the engine when it is Expired.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

Scalar LinearDamping [get, set]

Gets and Sets The value represents how much Linear velocity is kept each time step. This Dampens the Body's Linear velocity a little per time step. Valid values are zero exclusive to one inclusive.

MassInfo Mass [get, set]

Gets The MassInfo of the body.

The Matrices that are tranfroming this bodies Shape.

IEnumerable<BodyProxy> Proxies [get]

These are bodies that are mirrors of this body. It's useful for bodies that are being teleported.

int ProxiesCount [get]

The number of proxies that this body has.

BoundingRectangle Rectangle [get]

This is the Baunding rectangle It is calculated on the call to apply matrix.

IShape Shape [get, set]

Gets and Sets the Shape of the Body. If setting the shape to a shape another body has it will duplicate the shape.

object SolverTag [get, set]

Gets a Solver Defined object.

PhysicsState State [get]

Gets The current State of the object IE Velocity.

object Tag [get, set]

Gets and Sets a User defined object.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

Matrix2x3 Transformation [get, set]

Gets and Sets the Matrix2x3 that transforms the Shape belonging to the Body.

Tapahtumien dokumentaatio

EventHandler Added

Raised when the object is added to a Physics Engine.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

EventHandler<CollisionEventArgs> Collided

Raised when the Body collides with another.

EventHandler<CollisionEventArgs> Colliding

Raised constantly when the Body is colliding with another.

EventHandler<BodyJointEventArgs> JointAdded

Raised when a joint is added that affects this body.

EventHandler<BodyJointEventArgs> JointRemoved

Raised when a joint is removed that affects this body.

EventHandler LifetimeChanged

Raised when the Lifetime property has been Changed.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

EventHandler Pending

Raised when the object is Added to the engine but is not yet part of the update process.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

EventHandler PositionChanged

Raised when the Position has been Changed. Raised by either the Solver or a call to ApplyMatrix.

EventHandler<RemovedEventArgs> Removed

Raised when the object is Removed from a Physics Engine.

Toteuttaa luokan IPendable.

EventHandler ShapeChanged

Raised when the Shape of the Body has been Changed.

EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs> Updated

Raised when the Body has been updated to a change in time.

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 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat