Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
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PhysicsEngine luokkareferenssi

The Engine that will Apply Physics to object added to it. Lisää...

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class  LogicComparer

Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

void AddBody (Body item)
 Adds a Body to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddBodyRange (ICollection< Body > collection)
 Adds a collection of Bodies to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddJoint (Joint item)
 Adds a Joint to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddJointRange (ICollection< Joint > collection)
 Adds a collection of Joints to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddJointRange< T > (ICollection< T > collection)
 Adds a collection of Joints to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddLogic (PhysicsLogic item)
 Adds a PhysicsLogic to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddLogicRange (ICollection< PhysicsLogic > collection)
 Adds a collection of PhysicsLogics to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddLogicRange< T > (ICollection< T > collection)
 Adds a collection of PhysicsLogics to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.
void AddProxy (Body body1, Body body2, Matrix2x2 transformation)
 Adds 2 bodies to the same proxy list. If they are both already part of their own proxy list then the lists will merge. The transformations will be calcualted automatically.
void Update (Scalar dt)
 Updates the Engine with a change in time. This call will block all access to the engine while it is running. A complete call to this method is also known as a timestep.
void Clear ()
 Clears the Engine of all objects. Also clears the Detector and Solver.


< Joint
Joints [get]
 Gets A threadSafe List of Joints (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)
< Body
Bodies [get]
 Gets A threadSafe List of Bodies (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)
< PhysicsLogic
Logics [get]
 Gets A threadSafe List of PhysicsLogics (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)
BroadPhaseCollisionDetector BroadPhase [get, set]
 Gets and Sets The BroadPhase collision Detector. (This must be Set to a non-Null value before any calls to Update)
CollisionSolver Solver [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the Collision Solver (This must be Set to a non-Null value before any calls to Update)
int UpdateCount [get]
 The number of updates that the engine has completed.


< CollectionEventArgs< Body > > 
 Generated when Bodies are truly added to the Engine.
< CollectionEventArgs< Joint > > 
 Generated when Joints are truly added to the Engine.
< CollectionEventArgs
< PhysicsLogic > > 
 Generated when PhysicsLogics are truly added to the Engine.
< CollectionEventArgs< Body > > 
 Generated when a Bodies are removed to the Engine.
< CollectionEventArgs< Joint > > 
 Generated when a Joints are removed to the Engine.
< CollectionEventArgs
< PhysicsLogic > > 
 Generated when a PhysicsLogics are removed to the Engine.
EventHandler< UpdatedEventArgsUpdated
 Generated when the engine is update;.

Yksityiskohtainen selite

The Engine that will Apply Physics to object added to it.

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

void AddBody ( Body  item) [inline]

Adds a Body to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

itemThe Body to be added.
void AddBodyRange ( ICollection< Body collection) [inline]

Adds a collection of Bodies to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

collectionThe collection to be Added
void AddJoint ( Joint  item) [inline]

Adds a Joint to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

itemThe Joint to be added.
void AddJointRange ( ICollection< Joint collection) [inline]

Adds a collection of Joints to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

collectionThe collection to be Added
void AddJointRange< T > ( ICollection< T >  collection) [inline]

Adds a collection of Joints to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

collectionThe collection to be Added
Template Parameters:
TA Type inherited from Joint
Tyyppien rajoitteet
T :Joint 
void AddLogic ( PhysicsLogic  item) [inline]

Adds a PhysicsLogic to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

itemThe PhysicsLogic to be added.
void AddLogicRange ( ICollection< PhysicsLogic collection) [inline]

Adds a collection of PhysicsLogics to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

collectionThe collection to be Added
void AddLogicRange< T > ( ICollection< T >  collection) [inline]

Adds a collection of PhysicsLogics to the pending queue and will be truly added on a call to Update.

collectionThe collection to be Added
Template Parameters:
TA Type inherited from PhysicsLogic
Tyyppien rajoitteet
T :PhysicsLogic 
void AddProxy ( Body  body1,
Body  body2,
Matrix2x2  transformation 
) [inline]

Adds 2 bodies to the same proxy list. If they are both already part of their own proxy list then the lists will merge. The transformations will be calcualted automatically.

body1The first Body.
body2The second Body.
transformationHow velocities will be transformed from body1 to body2.

This will most likely be removed if i ever figure out how to make a joint like this.

void Clear ( ) [inline]

Clears the Engine of all objects. Also clears the Detector and Solver.

void Update ( Scalar  dt) [inline]

Updates the Engine with a change in time. This call will block all access to the engine while it is running. A complete call to this method is also known as a timestep.

dtThe change in time since the last call to this method. (In Seconds)

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

ReadOnlyThreadSafeCollection<Body> Bodies [get]

Gets A threadSafe List of Bodies (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)

BroadPhaseCollisionDetector BroadPhase [get, set]

Gets and Sets The BroadPhase collision Detector. (This must be Set to a non-Null value before any calls to Update)

ReadOnlyThreadSafeCollection<Joint> Joints [get]

Gets A threadSafe List of Joints (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)

ReadOnlyThreadSafeCollection<PhysicsLogic> Logics [get]

Gets A threadSafe List of PhysicsLogics (You wont get the "The collection has changed" Exception with this)

CollisionSolver Solver [get, set]

Gets and Sets the Collision Solver (This must be Set to a non-Null value before any calls to Update)

int UpdateCount [get]

The number of updates that the engine has completed.

This is used for making sure actions are not duplicated on a single time step.

Tapahtumien dokumentaatio

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<Body> > BodiesAdded

Generated when Bodies are truly added to the Engine.

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<Body> > BodiesRemoved

Generated when a Bodies are removed to the Engine.

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<Joint> > JointsAdded

Generated when Joints are truly added to the Engine.

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<Joint> > JointsRemoved

Generated when a Joints are removed to the Engine.

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<PhysicsLogic> > LogicsAdded

Generated when PhysicsLogics are truly added to the Engine.

EventHandler<CollectionEventArgs<PhysicsLogic> > LogicsRemoved

Generated when a PhysicsLogics are removed to the Engine.

EventHandler<UpdatedEventArgs> Updated

Generated when the engine is update;.

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