Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
Julkiset jäsenfunktiot | Ominaisuudet
Lifespan luokkareferenssi

A object that describes the time a object will remain in the Physics engine. Lisää...

Luokan Lifespan luokkakaavio
IDuplicateable< T >

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 Lifespan ()
 Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is Immortal.
 Lifespan (Scalar maxAge)
 Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is mortal.
 Lifespan (Scalar age, Scalar maxAge)
 Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is mortal and has already aged.
void Update (TimeStep step)
 Increases the Age of object by a change in time.
void Update (Scalar dt, int updateCount)
Lifespan Duplicate ()
object Clone ()


int LastUpdate [get]
bool IsExpired [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if it IsExpired and should be removed from the engine.
bool IsImmortal [get]
 Gets if the only way for the object to leave the engine is for it to be set to expired.
bool IsOverAged [get]
 Gets if it is expired becuase of old age.
Scalar MaxAge [get, set]
 Gets and Sets how long the object will stay in the engine.
Scalar TimeLeft [get]
 Gets how much time the object has left.
Scalar Age [get, set]
 Gets and Sets The current age of the object.

Yksityiskohtainen selite

A object that describes the time a object will remain in the Physics engine.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

Lifespan ( ) [inline]

Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is Immortal.

Lifespan ( Scalar  maxAge) [inline]

Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is mortal.

maxAgeHow long the item will stay in the engine. (in seconds)
Lifespan ( Scalar  age,
Scalar  maxAge 
) [inline]

Creates a new Lifespan Instance that is mortal and has already aged.

ageHow old the item is. (in seconds)
maxAgeHow long the item will stay in the engine. (in seconds)

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

void Update ( TimeStep  step) [inline]

Increases the Age of object by a change in time.

updatethe update's number (It wont age more then once on a update)
stepThe TimeStep describing the change in time.

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

Scalar Age [get, set]

Gets and Sets The current age of the object.

bool IsExpired [get, set]

Gets and Sets if it IsExpired and should be removed from the engine.

bool IsImmortal [get]

Gets if the only way for the object to leave the engine is for it to be set to expired.

bool IsOverAged [get]

Gets if it is expired becuase of old age.

Scalar MaxAge [get, set]

Gets and Sets how long the object will stay in the engine.

Scalar TimeLeft [get]

Gets how much time the object has left.

Dokumentaatio tälle luokalle luotiin seuraavasta tiedostosta:
 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat