Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
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Matrix2x2 tietuereferenssi

A 2x2 matrix which can represent rotations for 2D vectors. Lisää...

Luokan Matrix2x2 luokkakaavio
IMatrix IAdvanceValueType

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 Matrix2x2 (Scalar m00, Scalar m01, Scalar m10, Scalar m11)
 Creates a new Matrix3 with all the specified parameters.
 Matrix2x2 (Vector2D xAxis, Vector2D yAxis)
 Create a new Matrix from 3 Vertex3 objects.
 Matrix2x2 (Scalar[] values)
 Matrix2x2 (Scalar[] values, int index)
Vector2D GetColumn (int columnIndex)
void SetColumn (int columnIndex, Vector2D value)
Vector2D GetRow (int rowIndex)
void SetRow (int rowIndex, Vector2D value)
Scalar[,] ToMatrixArray ()
 Copies the elements of the IMatrix to a new 2-dimensional array of Scalars.
Scalar[] ToArray ()
 Copies the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to a new array of Scalar .
Scalar[] ToTransposedArray ()
 Copies the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IMatrix to a new array of Scalar.
void CopyTo (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.
void CopyTransposedTo (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.
void CopyFrom (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, up to the Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.
void CopyTransposedFrom (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, up to the IAdvanceValueType.Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.
string ToString (string format)
 turns the object into a string representation of itself with a special format for each Scaler in it.
override string ToString ()
override int GetHashCode ()
override bool Equals (object obj)
bool Equals (Matrix2x2 other)

Staattiset julkiset jäsenfunktiot

static void Copy (ref Matrix2x2 matrix, Scalar[] destArray)
static void Copy (ref Matrix2x2 matrix, Scalar[] destArray, int index)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, out Matrix2x2 result)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, int index, out Matrix2x2 result)
static void CopyTranspose (ref Matrix2x2 matrix, Scalar[] destArray)
static void CopyTranspose (ref Matrix2x2 matrix, Scalar[] destArray, int index)
static void CopyTranspose (Scalar[] sourceArray, out Matrix2x2 result)
static void CopyTranspose (Scalar[] sourceArray, int index, out Matrix2x2 result)
static void Copy (ref Matrix4x4 source, out Matrix2x2 dest)
static void Copy (ref Matrix3x3 source, out Matrix2x2 dest)
static void Copy (ref Matrix2x3 source, out Matrix2x2 dest)
static Matrix2x2 Lerp (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right, Scalar amount)
static void Lerp (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Matrix2x2 right, ref Scalar amount, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Multiply (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Used to multiply (concatenate) two Matrix4x4s.
static void Multiply (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Matrix2x2 right, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Multiply (Matrix2x2 left, Scalar scalar)
 Used to multiply a Matrix2x2 object by a scalar value..
static void Multiply (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Scalar scalar, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Add (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Used to add two matrices together.
static void Add (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Matrix2x2 right, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Subtract (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Used to subtract two matrices.
static void Subtract (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Matrix2x2 right, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Negate (Matrix2x2 source)
 Negates a Matrix2x2.
static void Negate (ref Matrix2x2 source)
static void Negate (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Invert (Matrix2x2 source)
static void Invert (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Scalar GetDeterminant (Matrix2x2 source)
static void GetDeterminant (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Scalar result)
static Matrix2x2 Transpose (Matrix2x2 source)
static void Transpose (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 GetAdjoint (Matrix2x2 source)
static void GetAdjoint (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 GetCofactor (Matrix2x2 source)
static void GetCofactor (ref Matrix2x2 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 FromArray (Scalar[] array)
static Matrix2x2 FromTransposedArray (Scalar[] array)
static Matrix2x2 FromRotation (Scalar radianAngle)
static void FromRotation (ref Scalar radianAngle, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 FromScale (Vector2D scale)
static void FromScale (ref Vector2D scale, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 Parse (string s)
static bool TryParse (string s, out Matrix2x2 result)
static bool Equals (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
static bool Equals (ref Matrix2x2 left, ref Matrix2x2 right)
static Matrix2x2 CreateNormal (Matrix2x3 source)
static void CreateNormal (ref Matrix2x3 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 CreateNormal (Matrix3x3 source)
static void CreateNormal (ref Matrix3x3 source, out Matrix2x2 result)
static Matrix2x2 operator* (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Multiply (concatenate) two Matrix3 instances together.
static Matrix2x2 operator+ (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Used to add two matrices together.
static Matrix2x2 operator- (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Used to subtract two matrices.
static Matrix2x2 operator* (Matrix2x2 matrix, Scalar scalar)
 Multiplies all the items in the Matrix3 by a scalar value.
static Matrix2x2 operator* (Scalar scalar, Matrix2x2 matrix)
 Multiplies all the items in the Matrix3 by a scalar value.
static Matrix2x2 operator- (Matrix2x2 matrix)
 Negates all the items in the Matrix.
static bool operator== (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
 Test two matrices for (value) equality.
static bool operator!= (Matrix2x2 left, Matrix2x2 right)
static operator Matrix2x2 (Matrix3x3 source)

Julkiset attribuutit

const int RowCount = 2
 The number of rows.
const int ColumnCount = 2
 The number of columns.
const int Count = RowCount * ColumnCount
 The number of Scalar values in the class.
const int Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count
 The Size of the class in bytes;.
Scalar m00
Scalar m01
Scalar m10
Scalar m11

Staattiset julkiset attribuutit

static readonly Matrix2x2 Identity
static readonly Matrix2x2 Zero


Vector2D Cx [get, set]
Vector2D Cy [get, set]
Vector2D Rx [get, set]
 The X Row or row zero.
Vector2D Ry [get, set]
 The Y Row or row one.
Scalar Determinant [get]
 Gets the Determinant of the IMatrix.
Matrix2x2 Transposed [get]
 Swap the rows of the matrix with the columns.
Matrix2x2 Adjoint [get]
Matrix2x2 Cofactor [get]
Matrix2x2 Inverted [get]
int IAdvanceValueType. Count [get]
 Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements in all the dimensions of IAdvanceValueType.
int IMatrix. RowCount [get]
 Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Rows in the IMatrix.
int IMatrix. ColumnCount [get]
 Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Columns in the IMatrix.

Yksityiskohtainen selite

A 2x2 matrix which can represent rotations for 2D vectors.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

Matrix2x2 ( Scalar  m00,
Scalar  m01,
Scalar  m10,
Scalar  m11 
) [inline]

Creates a new Matrix3 with all the specified parameters.

Matrix2x2 ( Vector2D  xAxis,
Vector2D  yAxis 
) [inline]

Create a new Matrix from 3 Vertex3 objects.


Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

static Matrix2x2 Add ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Used to add two matrices together.

void CopyFrom ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements, up to the Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the source of the elements copied to the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

void CopyTo ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

void CopyTransposedFrom ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, up to the IAdvanceValueType.Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the source of the elements copied to the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

void CopyTransposedTo ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

static Matrix2x2 Multiply ( Matrix2x2  left,
Scalar  scalar 
) [inline, static]

Used to multiply a Matrix2x2 object by a scalar value..

static Matrix2x2 Multiply ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Used to multiply (concatenate) two Matrix4x4s.

static Matrix2x2 Negate ( Matrix2x2  source) [inline, static]

Negates a Matrix2x2.

static Matrix2x2 operator* ( Scalar  scalar,
Matrix2x2  matrix 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies all the items in the Matrix3 by a scalar value.

static Matrix2x2 operator* ( Matrix2x2  matrix,
Scalar  scalar 
) [inline, static]

Multiplies all the items in the Matrix3 by a scalar value.

static Matrix2x2 operator* ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Multiply (concatenate) two Matrix3 instances together.

static Matrix2x2 operator+ ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Used to add two matrices together.

static Matrix2x2 operator- ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Used to subtract two matrices.

static Matrix2x2 operator- ( Matrix2x2  matrix) [inline, static]

Negates all the items in the Matrix.

static bool operator== ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Test two matrices for (value) equality.

static Matrix2x2 Subtract ( Matrix2x2  left,
Matrix2x2  right 
) [inline, static]

Used to subtract two matrices.

Scalar [] ToArray ( ) [inline]

Copies the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to a new array of Scalar .

An array containing copies of the elements of the IAdvanceValueType.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

Scalar [,] ToMatrixArray ( ) [inline]

Copies the elements of the IMatrix to a new 2-dimensional array of Scalars.

A 2-dimensional array containing copies of the elements of the IMatrix.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

string ToString ( string  format) [inline]

turns the object into a string representation of itself with a special format for each Scaler in it.

formatthe format to be applied to each Scalar
a string with every Scalar formated with the provided format.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

Scalar [] ToTransposedArray ( ) [inline]

Copies the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IMatrix to a new array of Scalar.

An array containing copies of the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType.

This is the Format Accepted by OpenGL.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

Jäsendatan dokumentaatio

const int ColumnCount = 2

The number of columns.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

const int Count = RowCount * ColumnCount

The number of Scalar values in the class.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

readonly Matrix2x2 Identity [static]
 new Matrix2x2(
            1, 0,
            0, 1)
const int RowCount = 2

The number of rows.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

const int Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count

The Size of the class in bytes;.

readonly Matrix2x2 Zero [static]
 new Matrix2x2(
            0, 0,
            0, 0)

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

int IMatrix. ColumnCount [get]

Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Columns in the IMatrix.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

int IAdvanceValueType. Count [get]

Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of elements in all the dimensions of IAdvanceValueType.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

Scalar Determinant [get]

Gets the Determinant of the IMatrix.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

int IMatrix. RowCount [get]

Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Rows in the IMatrix.

Toteuttaa luokan IMatrix.

Vector2D Rx [get, set]

The X Row or row zero.

Vector2D Ry [get, set]

The Y Row or row one.

Matrix2x2 Transposed [get]

Swap the rows of the matrix with the columns.

A transposed Matrix.

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