Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
Julkiset jäsenfunktiot | Ominaisuudet
IMatrix< M, VC, VR > rajapintamallireferenssi
Luokan IMatrix< M, VC, VR > luokkakaavio
IMatrix IAdvanceValueType IAdvanceValueType

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

VC GetColumn (int columnIndex)
 Gets the V at the specified Column.
void SetColumn (int columnIndex, VC value)
 Sets the V at the specified Column.
VR GetRow (int rowIndex)
 Gets the V at the specified Row.
void SetRow (int rowIndex, VR value)
 Sets the V at the specified Row.


Inverted [get]
 Gets the Inverse of the IMatrix.
Transposed [get]
 Gets the Transpose of the IMatrix.
Adjoint [get]
 Gets the Adjoint (Conjugate Transpose) of the IMatrix.
Cofactor [get]
 Gets the Cofactor (The Transpose of the Adjoint) of the IMatrix.

template<M, VC, VR>
interface AdvanceMath::IMatrix< M, VC, VR >

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

VC GetColumn ( int  columnIndex)

Gets the V at the specified Column.

columnThe zero-based index of the Column of the V to get.
The V at the specified Column.
VR GetRow ( int  rowIndex)

Gets the V at the specified Row.

rowThe zero-based index of the Row of the V to get.
The V at the specified Row.
void SetColumn ( int  columnIndex,
VC  value 

Sets the V at the specified Column.

columnThe zero-based index of the Column of the V to set.
valueThe V to set at the specified Column.
void SetRow ( int  rowIndex,
VR  value 

Sets the V at the specified Row.

rowThe zero-based index of the Row of the V to set.
valueThe V to set at the specified Row.

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

M Adjoint [get]

Gets the Adjoint (Conjugate Transpose) of the IMatrix.

M Cofactor [get]

Gets the Cofactor (The Transpose of the Adjoint) of the IMatrix.

M Inverted [get]

Gets the Inverse of the IMatrix.

M Transposed [get]

Gets the Transpose of the IMatrix.

Dokumentaatio tälle rajapinnalle luotiin seuraavasta tiedostosta:
 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat