Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
Julkiset jäsenfunktiot | Ominaisuudet
IMatrix rajapintareferenssi
Luokan IMatrix luokkakaavio
IAdvanceValueType IMatrix< M, VC, VR > Matrix2x2 Matrix2x3 Matrix3x3 Matrix4x4

Lista kaikista jäsenistä.

Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

Scalar[,] ToMatrixArray ()
 Copies the elements of the IMatrix to a new 2-dimensional array of Scalars.
Scalar[] ToTransposedArray ()
 Copies the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IMatrix to a new array of Scalar.
void CopyTransposedTo (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.
void CopyTransposedFrom (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, up to the IAdvanceValueType.Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.


int RowCount [get]
 Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Rows in the IMatrix.
int ColumnCount [get]
 Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Columns in the IMatrix.
Scalar Determinant [get]
 Gets the Determinant of the IMatrix.

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

void CopyTransposedFrom ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 

Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, up to the IAdvanceValueType.Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the source of the elements copied to the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3 ja Matrix4x4.

void CopyTransposedTo ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 

Copies all the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3 ja Matrix4x4.

Scalar [,] ToMatrixArray ( )

Copies the elements of the IMatrix to a new 2-dimensional array of Scalars.

A 2-dimensional array containing copies of the elements of the IMatrix.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3 ja Matrix4x4.

Scalar [] ToTransposedArray ( )

Copies the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IMatrix to a new array of Scalar.

An array containing copies of the elements, in a Transposed order, of the IAdvanceValueType.

This is the Format Accepted by OpenGL.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3 ja Matrix4x4.

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

int ColumnCount [get]

Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Columns in the IMatrix.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3, Matrix3x3, Matrix4x4 ja Matrix4x4.

Scalar Determinant [get]

Gets the Determinant of the IMatrix.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3 ja Matrix4x4.

int RowCount [get]

Gets a 32-bit integer that represents the total number of Rows in the IMatrix.

Toteutettu luokassa Matrix2x2, Matrix2x2, Matrix2x3, Matrix2x3, Matrix3x3, Matrix3x3, Matrix4x4 ja Matrix4x4.

Dokumentaatio tälle rajapinnalle luotiin seuraavasta tiedostosta:
 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat