Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
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Vector4D tietuereferenssi

A Vector with 4 dimensions. Lisää...

Luokan Vector4D luokkakaavio
IVector< V > IAdvanceValueType

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 Vector4D (Scalar X, Scalar Y, Scalar Z, Scalar W)
 Creates a New Vector4D Instance on the Stack.
 Vector4D (Scalar[] vals)
 Vector4D (Scalar[] vals, int index)
Scalar[] ToArray ()
 Copies the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to a new array of Scalar .
void CopyFrom (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements, up to the Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.
void CopyTo (Scalar[] array, int index)
 Copies all the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.
string ToString (string format)
 turns the object into a string representation of itself with a special format for each Scaler in it.
override string ToString ()
override int GetHashCode ()
 Provides a unique hash code based on the member variables of this class. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class. The standard implementation is a simple XOR operation between all local member variables.
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Compares this Vector to another object. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class.
bool Equals (Vector4D other)

Staattiset julkiset jäsenfunktiot

static void Copy (ref Vector4D vector, Scalar[] destArray)
static void Copy (ref Vector4D vector, Scalar[] destArray, int index)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, out Vector4D result)
static void Copy (Scalar[] sourceArray, int index, out Vector4D result)
static void Copy (ref Vector3D source, ref Vector4D dest)
static void Copy (ref Vector2D source, ref Vector4D dest)
static Vector4D Clamp (Vector4D value, Vector4D min, Vector4D max)
static void Clamp (ref Vector4D value, ref Vector4D min, ref Vector4D max, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Lerp (Vector4D left, Vector4D right, Scalar amount)
static void Lerp (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, ref Scalar amount, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Lerp (Vector4D left, Vector4D right, Vector4D amount)
static void Lerp (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, ref Vector4D amount, out Vector4D result)
static Scalar Distance (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
static void Distance (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Scalar result)
static Scalar DistanceSq (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
static void DistanceSq (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Scalar result)
static Vector4D Add (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.
static void Add (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Add (Vector3D left, Vector4D right)
static void Add (ref Vector3D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Add (Vector2D left, Vector4D right)
static void Add (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Add (Vector4D left, Vector3D right)
static void Add (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector3D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Add (Vector4D left, Vector2D right)
static void Add (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector2D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Subtract (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Subtracts 2 Vector4Ds.
static void Subtract (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Subtract (Vector3D left, Vector4D right)
static void Subtract (ref Vector3D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Subtract (Vector2D left, Vector4D right)
static void Subtract (ref Vector2D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Subtract (Vector4D left, Vector3D right)
static void Subtract (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector3D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Subtract (Vector4D left, Vector2D right)
static void Subtract (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector2D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Multiply (Vector4D source, Scalar scalar)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.
static void Multiply (ref Vector4D source, ref Scalar scalar, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Multiply (Scalar scalar, Vector4D source)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.
static void Multiply (ref Scalar scalar, ref Vector4D source, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Transform (Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector4D vector)
static void Transform (ref Matrix4x4 matrix, ref Vector4D vector, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Transform (Vector4D vector, Matrix4x4 matrix)
static void Transform (ref Vector4D vector, ref Matrix4x4 matrix, out Vector4D result)
static Scalar Dot (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product.
static void Dot (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Scalar result)
static Scalar GetMagnitudeSq (Vector4D source)
 Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector4D that is passed.
static void GetMagnitudeSq (ref Vector4D source, out Scalar result)
static Scalar GetMagnitude (Vector4D source)
 Gets the Magnitude of the Vector4D that is passed.
static void GetMagnitude (ref Vector4D source, out Scalar result)
static Vector4D SetMagnitude (Vector4D source, Scalar magnitude)
 Sets the Magnitude of a Vector4D.
static void SetMagnitude (ref Vector4D source, ref Scalar magnitude, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Negate (Vector4D source)
 Negates a Vector4D.
static void Negate (ref Vector4D source)
static void Negate (ref Vector4D source, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Normalize (Vector4D source)
 This returns the Normalized Vector4D that is passed. This is also known as a Unit Vector.
static void Normalize (ref Vector4D source, out Vector4D result)
static void Normalize (ref Vector4D source)
static Vector4D Project (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Thie Projects the left Vector4D onto the Right Vector4D.
static void Project (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D TripleCross (Vector4D top, Vector4D middle, Vector4D bottom)
static Vector4D CatmullRom (Vector4D value1, Vector4D value2, Vector4D value3, Vector4D value4, Scalar amount)
static void CatmullRom (ref Vector4D value1, ref Vector4D value2, ref Vector4D value3, ref Vector4D value4, Scalar amount, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Max (Vector4D value1, Vector4D value2)
static void Max (ref Vector4D value1, ref Vector4D value2, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Min (Vector4D value1, Vector4D value2)
static void Min (ref Vector4D value1, ref Vector4D value2, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Hermite (Vector4D value1, Vector4D tangent1, Vector4D value2, Vector4D tangent2, Scalar amount)
static void Hermite (ref Vector4D value1, ref Vector4D tangent1, ref Vector4D value2, ref Vector4D tangent2, Scalar amount, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D operator+ (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.
static Vector4D operator+ (Vector3D left, Vector4D right)
static Vector4D operator+ (Vector2D left, Vector4D right)
static Vector4D operator+ (Vector4D left, Vector3D right)
static Vector4D operator+ (Vector4D left, Vector2D right)
static Vector4D operator- (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Subtracts 2 Vector4Ds.
static Vector4D operator- (Vector3D left, Vector4D right)
static Vector4D operator- (Vector2D left, Vector4D right)
static Vector4D operator- (Vector4D left, Vector3D right)
static Vector4D operator- (Vector4D left, Vector2D right)
static Vector4D operator* (Vector4D source, Scalar scalar)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.
static Vector4D operator* (Scalar scalar, Vector4D source)
 Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.
static Scalar operator* (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product.
static Vector4D operator* (Matrix4x4 matrix, Vector4D vector)
static Vector4D operator* (Vector4D vector, Matrix4x4 matrix)
static Vector4D operator- (Vector4D source)
 Negates a Vector4D.
static bool operator== (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Specifies whether the Vector4Ds contain the same coordinates.
static bool operator!= (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
 Specifies whether the Vector4Ds do not contain the same coordinates.
static operator Vector4D (Vector3D source)
static bool TryParse (string s, out Vector4D result)
static Vector4D Parse (string s)
static bool Equals (Vector4D left, Vector4D right)
static bool Equals (ref Vector4D left, ref Vector4D right)

Julkiset attribuutit

const int Count = 4
 The number of Scalar values in the class.
const int Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count
 The Size of the class in bytes;.
Scalar X
 This is the X value.
Scalar Y
 This is the Y value.
Scalar Z
 This is the Z value.
Scalar W
 This is the W value.

Staattiset julkiset attribuutit

static readonly Vector4D One = new Vector4D(1, 1, 1, 1)
static readonly Vector4D Zero = new Vector4D()
static readonly Vector4D XAxis = new Vector4D(1, 0, 0, 0)
static readonly Vector4D YAxis = new Vector4D(0, 1, 0, 0)
static readonly Vector4D ZAxis = new Vector4D(0, 0, 1, 0)
static readonly Vector4D WAxis = new Vector4D(0, 0, 0, 1)


Scalar Magnitude [get, set]
 Gets or Sets the Magnitude (Length) of the Vector4D.
Scalar MagnitudeSq [get]
 Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector4D.
Vector4D Normalized [get]
 Gets the Normalized Vector4D. (Unit Vector)
int IAdvanceValueType. Count [get]
 The Number of Variables accesable though the indexer.

Yksityiskohtainen selite

A Vector with 4 dimensions.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

Vector4D ( Scalar  X,
Scalar  Y,
Scalar  Z,
Scalar  W 
) [inline]

Creates a New Vector4D Instance on the Stack.

XThe X value.
YThe Y value.
ZThe Z value.
WThe W value.

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

static Vector4D Add ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Sum of the 2 Vector4Ds.
void CopyFrom ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements, up to the Length of the IAdvanceValueType, of the specified one-dimensional Array to the IAdvanceValueType.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the source of the elements copied to the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

void CopyTo ( Scalar[]  array,
int  index 
) [inline]

Copies all the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to the specified one-dimensional Array of Scalar.

arrayThe one-dimensional Array that is the destination of the elements copied from the IAdvanceValueType.
indexA 32-bit integer that represents the index in array at which copying begins.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

static Scalar Dot ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Dot Product (Inner Product).
override bool Equals ( object  obj) [inline]

Compares this Vector to another object. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class.

override int GetHashCode ( ) [inline]

Provides a unique hash code based on the member variables of this class. This should be done because the equality operators (==, !=) have been overriden by this class. The standard implementation is a simple XOR operation between all local member variables.

static Scalar GetMagnitude ( Vector4D  source) [inline, static]

Gets the Magnitude of the Vector4D that is passed.

sourceThe Vector4D whos Magnitude is te be returned.
The Magnitude.
static Scalar GetMagnitudeSq ( Vector4D  source) [inline, static]

Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector4D that is passed.

sourceThe Vector4D whos Squared Magnitude is te be returned.
The Squared Magnitude.
static Vector4D Multiply ( Vector4D  source,
Scalar  scalar 
) [inline, static]

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.

sourceThe Vector4D to be multiplied.
scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector4D.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.
static Vector4D Multiply ( Scalar  scalar,
Vector4D  source 
) [inline, static]

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.

scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector4D.
sourceThe Vector4D to be multiplied.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.
static Vector4D Negate ( Vector4D  source) [inline, static]

Negates a Vector4D.

sourceThe Vector4D to be Negated.
The Negated Vector4D.
static Vector4D Normalize ( Vector4D  source) [inline, static]

This returns the Normalized Vector4D that is passed. This is also known as a Unit Vector.

sourceThe Vector4D to be Normalized.
The Normalized Vector4D. (Unit Vector)
static bool operator!= ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Specifies whether the Vector4Ds do not contain the same coordinates.

leftThe left Vector4D to test.
rightThe right Vector4D to test.
true if the Vector4Ds do not have the same coordinates; otherwise false
static Scalar operator* ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Does a Dot Operation Also know as an Inner Product.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Dot Product (Inner Product).
static Vector4D operator* ( Vector4D  source,
Scalar  scalar 
) [inline, static]

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.

sourceThe Vector4D to be multiplied.
scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector4D.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.
static Vector4D operator* ( Scalar  scalar,
Vector4D  source 
) [inline, static]

Does Scaler Multiplication on a Vector4D.

scalarThe scalar value that will multiply the Vector4D.
sourceThe Vector4D to be multiplied.
The Product of the Scaler Multiplication.
static Vector4D operator+ ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Adds 2 Vectors2Ds.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Sum of the 2 Vector4Ds.
static Vector4D operator- ( Vector4D  source) [inline, static]

Negates a Vector4D.

sourceThe Vector4D to be Negated.
The Negated Vector4D.
static Vector4D operator- ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Subtracts 2 Vector4Ds.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Difference of the 2 Vector4Ds.
static bool operator== ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Specifies whether the Vector4Ds contain the same coordinates.

leftThe left Vector4D to test.
rightThe right Vector4D to test.
true if the Vector4Ds have the same coordinates; otherwise false
static Vector4D Project ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Thie Projects the left Vector4D onto the Right Vector4D.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Projected Vector4D.
static Vector4D SetMagnitude ( Vector4D  source,
Scalar  magnitude 
) [inline, static]

Sets the Magnitude of a Vector4D.

sourceThe Vector4D whose Magnitude is to be changed.
magnitudeThe Magnitude.
A Vector4D with the new Magnitude
static Vector4D Subtract ( Vector4D  left,
Vector4D  right 
) [inline, static]

Subtracts 2 Vector4Ds.

leftThe left Vector4D operand.
rightThe right Vector4D operand.
The Difference of the 2 Vector4Ds.
Scalar [] ToArray ( ) [inline]

Copies the elements of the IAdvanceValueType to a new array of Scalar .

An array containing copies of the elements of the IAdvanceValueType.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

string ToString ( string  format) [inline]

turns the object into a string representation of itself with a special format for each Scaler in it.

formatthe format to be applied to each Scalar
a string with every Scalar formated with the provided format.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

Jäsendatan dokumentaatio

const int Count = 4

The number of Scalar values in the class.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

readonly Vector4D One = new Vector4D(1, 1, 1, 1) [static]


const int Size = sizeof(Scalar) * Count

The Size of the class in bytes;.

Scalar W

This is the W value.

readonly Vector4D WAxis = new Vector4D(0, 0, 0, 1) [static]


Scalar X

This is the X value.

readonly Vector4D XAxis = new Vector4D(1, 0, 0, 0) [static]


Scalar Y

This is the Y value.

readonly Vector4D YAxis = new Vector4D(0, 1, 0, 0) [static]


Scalar Z

This is the Z value.

readonly Vector4D ZAxis = new Vector4D(0, 0, 1, 0) [static]


readonly Vector4D Zero = new Vector4D() [static]


Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

int IAdvanceValueType. Count [get]

The Number of Variables accesable though the indexer.

Toteuttaa luokan IAdvanceValueType.

Scalar Magnitude [get, set]

Gets or Sets the Magnitude (Length) of the Vector4D.

Toteuttaa luokan IVector< V >.

Scalar MagnitudeSq [get]

Gets the Squared Magnitude of the Vector4D.

Toteuttaa luokan IVector< V >.

Vector4D Normalized [get]

Gets the Normalized Vector4D. (Unit Vector)

Toteuttaa luokan IVector< V >.

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 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat