Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
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PhysicsTimer luokkareferenssi

A class to update the PhysicsEngine at regular intervals. Lisää...

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Julkiset jäsenfunktiot

 PhysicsTimer (PhysicsCallback callback, Scalar targetInterval)
 Creates a new PhysicsTimer Instance.
void Dispose ()
 Stops the Timer.
void RunOnCurrentThread ()


bool IsBackground [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the thread that runs the time is a background thread.
bool IsRunning [get, set]
 Gets and Sets if the PhysicsTimer is currently calling the Callback.
Scalar TargetInterval [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the desired Interval between Callback calls.
TimerState State [get]
 Gets the current State of the PhysicsTimer.
PhysicsCallback Callback [get, set]
 Gets and Sets the current Callback that will be called.


EventHandler IsRunningChanged

Yksityiskohtainen selite

A class to update the PhysicsEngine at regular intervals.

Rakentajien & purkajien dokumentaatio

PhysicsTimer ( PhysicsCallback  callback,
Scalar  targetInterval 
) [inline]

Creates a new PhysicsTimer Instance.

callbackThe callback to call.
targetDtThe target change in time. (in seconds)

Jäsenfunktioiden dokumentaatio

void Dispose ( ) [inline]

Stops the Timer.

Ominaisuuksien dokumentaatio

PhysicsCallback Callback [get, set]

Gets and Sets the current Callback that will be called.

bool IsBackground [get, set]

Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not the thread that runs the time is a background thread.

bool IsRunning [get, set]

Gets and Sets if the PhysicsTimer is currently calling the Callback.

TimerState State [get]

Gets the current State of the PhysicsTimer.

Scalar TargetInterval [get, set]

Gets and Sets the desired Interval between Callback calls.

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 Kaikki Luokat Nimiavaruudet Funktiot Muuttujat Luettelotyypit Ominaisuudet Tapahtumat