Jypeli 4
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Physics2DDotNet::Shapes nimiavaruusreferenssi


interface  IBitmap
class  ArrayBitmap
class  BitmapHelper
class  CircleShape
 A Circle. Lisää...
class  MultiPolygonShape
 A shape that contains multiple polygons. Lisää...
class  ParticleShape
 Represents a Single point. Lisää...
class  PolygonShape
 Use this to Represent a Polygon in the engine. Lisää...
struct  RaySegment
 A Ray Segment is a Ray that has a length. It can be used to represent lasers or very fast projectiles. Lisää...
class  RaySegmentIntersectionInfo
 The information of an intersection with another shape. Lisää...
class  RaySegmentsShape
 A shape that holds multiple Ray Segments and generates custom collision events for when they intersect something. The Sequential Impulses Solver does not handle collisions with this shape. Lisää...
interface  IShape
interface  IRaySegmentsCollidable
interface  IHasArea
interface  IGlobalFluidAffectable
interface  ILineFluidAffectable
interface  IExplosionAffectable
class  ShapeHelper
class  VertexInfo
class  VertexHelper


delegate Vector2D GetTangentCallback (Vector2D centroid)
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