Jypeli 4
The simple game programming library
Physics2DDotNet::Detectors nimiavaruusreferenssi


class  BroadPhaseCollisionDetector
class  BruteForceDetector
class  FrameCoherentSAPDetector
 Full name is Frame Coherent Sweep and Prune. This class is used to isolate the AABB pairs that are currently in a collision state without having to check all pair combinations. It relies heavily on frame coherence or the idea that objects will typically be near their last position from frame to frame. The class caches the various state information and doesn't update it unless an extent on an axis "swaps" positions with its neighbor. Note: If your application has "teleporting" objects or objects that are extremely high-speed in relation to other objects, then this Sweep and Prune method may breakdown. Lisää...
class  SelectiveSweepDetector
 Faster then sweep and prune and does not stutter like SingleSweep. Lisää...
class  SpatialHashDetector
class  SweepAndPruneDetector
 The Sweep and Prune detector should be O(nlogn), but can be O(n^2) if everything is colliding. Lisää...
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